Home » Backup » SQL Server 2005 || Database backup failed because Full Text catalog files are OFFLINE

SQL Server 2005 || Database backup failed because Full Text catalog files are OFFLINE

Error : Database backup is getting fail with below reason.

The backup of full-text catalog ‘FullTextCatalog’ is not permitted because it is not online. Check errorlog file for the reason that full-text catalog becomes offline and bring it online. Or BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data.

Cause : This behavior occurs because a full-text catalog in the database is not online. To perform a full backup, SQL Server 2005 requires all the database files and full-text catalogs in the database to be online.

Possible Reason : The database is attached from somewhere. However, you specify the incorrect location for the full-text catalog folder during the attachment.

Solution 1 (If FTS files are available but SQL server showing offline):

1. Locate the folder that contains the files for the problematic full-text catalog.

2. Run the ALTER DATABASE statement. Specify in the statement the correct location for the full-text catalog.

3. Rebuild the problematic full-text catalog in the database.

4. Perform a full backup of the database in SQL Server 2005 again.

Solution 2 (If FTS files are not available):

1. Detach database & attach again with all MDF, NDF, LDF & FTS files.

Web Reference :

1) http://support.microsoft.com/kb/923355

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Reference : Rohit Garg (http://mssqlfun.com/)

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