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Monthly Archives: August 2012

CMD || Local & System Environment Variables

Variable Type Description %ALLUSERSPROFILE% Local Returns the location of the All Users Profile. %APPDATA% Local Returns the location where applications store data by default. %CD% Local Returns the current directory string. %CMDCMDLINE% Local Returns the exact command line used to start the current Cmd.exe. %LOGONSEVER% Local Returns the name of the domain controller that validated … Continue reading

Differential backup of master database?

Master database is in simple recovery model & simple recovery model supports Full & Differential backup. “Is it possible to take the differential backup of master database?”. The answer is No. Why not try taking the differential backup of master database instead. Open SSMS and the backup option looks like this. Only FULL backup type … Continue reading

PowerShell not recognizing SharePoint commands

Issue We are having SharePoint on Windows Server 2008 but when we are trying to run SharePoint commands from PowerShell we are getting below error message. Resolution Run below commands in PowerShell to register SharePoint in PowerShell & try again. Remove-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

How to Create Custom Snippets in SQL Server 2012?

3 steps to create custom Snippets in SQL Server 2012 :- Create a snippet using XML Register the snippet in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Invoke the snippet when using Query Editor Step 1. Create a T-SQL Snippet File with XML A snippet that can use to write a backup statement for any database. Save … Continue reading

SQL Server 2012 – T-SQL Code Snippets

The snippets in SQL Server 2012 are essentially templates that can help in building database statements. T-SQL snippets helps you in quickly building up T-SQL statements without having to remember the commands or their syntax. You can use this feature to reduce development time, syntax mistakes and increase productivity for your developers and DBAs. Snippet … Continue reading

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